
Painting with Oils on Anything

Fluff loves colour and her palette knife, which seems to have a life of its own.  Spontaneous and playful, each painting is a surprise and a delight to deliver.

End of Summer Sale

End of Summer Sale


Hello Beloveds far and wide!

What a summer, cant even begin to describe. Falling In and Falling Out, Seeing the Breath, In & Out, just a breath, it’s all right there.

So, I would really love to sell some of these creations and I have the idea for a “Make Me an Offer’ sale - cash or exchange!

I’d much rather these were out of the studio and living somewhere with you! Some I’d love to keep too, but for now i’m looking to raise my abundant levels and trusting the universe is gonna provide.

You may have seen my post on FB & Instagram about making an exchange for dental work, my goodness that was such a buzz, £555 worth, and the dentist was delighted with the painting “Welcome Home”. I would love to experience more of that please!

See a painting you’d like in the galleries or store? Click the button below, complete the form, stating the artwork title and your interest. Let’s see what we make happen!

Thanks! In Love I trust,
Kate aka Fluff


Personal update November 2023

Leaping into Spring

Leaping into Spring